Thursday Thirteen: 13 Reasons I Prefer eBooks Over Print Books

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen is a weekly meme with a simple theme: each Thursday you blog a list of 13 things. What kind of things? Any kind! Just come up with a list theme and run with it.


Brianna’s List:

  1. Instant gratification. When I click ‘BUY’, the book’s on my Kindle within a minute. This is great for book releases I am anxiously awaiting.
  2. Highlighting. I highlight all over my ebooks. Favorite quotes. Information to retain for later.
  3. Notes. I take all kinds of notes. Great for when it comes time to write my review.
  4. Built-in dictionary. I’m always looking up words. And I can’t tell you how many times I go to touch a word in a print book, expecting the definition to pop up. o.O
  5. Bookmarking. Easy to do and it doesn’t ruin the book. Tap and the page is bookmarked.
  6. Syncing. I mainly read on my iPad via the Kindle app but it’s nice to be able to pick up my Kindle Touch and continue reading where I left off.
  7. Kids can't ruin ebooks. The toddler is in a ‘ripping’ stage. Thankfully she can’t rip up my ebooks. And you can’t bend or crumble the pages either.
  8. Convenience. I can read anytime, anywhere.
  9. Portable library. I never have to worry about not having anything to read.
  10. Ebooks are generally cheaper than their print counterparts.
  11. Ebooks don't take up any physical space. 
  12. Sampling before I buy without leaving my house.
  13. The search function. I love the search function!


J9’s List:

  1. Space.
  2. Privacy.
  3. Light weight.
  4. Reading in bed without light.
  5. Easy to organize.
  6. Syncs between phone and Kindle so I don't have to carry a book everywhere.
  7. Access to new books at 1am.
  8. I never have to worry about getting rid of books I don't want.
  9. Less postage/supplies to get ARCs or to give books to fellow readers.
  10. "Send to Kindle" on NetGalley.
  11. Freebies.
  12. Borrow from the library without the stink of cigarettes or that strange library book smell.
  13. Lots of MM romance are ebook published only.

Do you prefer ebooks, print books, or audio books? And why do you prefer that format?

About Brianna: Supermom by day, naughty reader by night. Addicted to chocolate, Twitter, her iPad, her Kindle, and 99¢ Kindle deals. You can follow Brianna on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and Instagram.


  1. I like all kinds of books, but do prefer digital. I have a very close relationship with Mr. Konka (that's my Kindle, long story). I love them for all the reasons you guys shared, plus the fact that I have terrible eyesight... so text-to-speech and the ability to increase the font is priceless. And I must reiterate the space bit... I live in NYC, so space is not something I can boast about.

    1. The adjustable font size is awesome. I tried the text-to-speech feature once and it wasn't for me. LOL

  2. I did one that's the opposite of yours :)

    1. I like your list. There are a couple of things on your list that I agree with, though I still prefer my ereader.

  3. It took me a LONG time to get an eReader (Nook) but I'm now a convert. I love the highlighting feature and dictionary feature especially.

    Tanya Patrice

    1. It took me a while, though not too long, to convert to ebooks but I am so glad that I did.

  4. I never thought I'd give up print books but now I only read digital and love listening to audiobooks when I can't hold my reader. Cleaning, driving and cooking are now fun things to do as I listen to my books. Hubby got me a set of wireless headphones for Christmas, along with a Nook HD tablet (has the Kindle app). I'm in heaven.

    1. I need to figure out how to listen to audiobooks on my Kindle. I do on my S4 Android but never on Kindle; you gave me motivation so thanks!

    2. Oh, how I wish I audio books could work for me. I would love to be able to listen to a book while doing chores but I don't have the attention span needed for it. Plus, with 3 kids, I have to have my ears open at all times.

  5. I have a Kindle and iPad but I still prefer tree books. Kindle is practical as it's small enough to get in my bag and if I finish a novel I can start another.

    1. Really? I will admit print books are nice to see on my bookshelves but I'm running out of room and I don't have space for another.

  6. I love this sooo much. I usually see posts about why people love print over ebooks! I don't prefer one over the other. I love them both!!

    1. I've become an ebook snob. I would say that 98% of the books I read are ebooks. It's hard for me to read a print book now. My Kindle (and its features) have spoiled me.

  7. I actually enjoy a combination of all three! For example, I'm reading two print books, reading one ebook, and listening to an audio book right now. (I like to read several books at once.) Your two lists have some great points! I love the "Send to kindle" feature on NetGalley, and I love reordering ebooks because I don't have to worry about it not getting my house on the release date like when I preorder from Amazon or B&N. Also I love having all my books in one place. And the ebook deals. But I also like the feel of real books so I own a combination (:

    T from YA Book Queens (:

    1. I do like the ebook deals but the bad thing with ebooks is there is no secondary market. In my town we have 4 used bookstores so I can get a paperback romance for $3 and the ebook may be the usual $7.99. So you're right IMHO, the ebook deals are a must since there is no secondary (legal) market for ebooks like there is for print books.

    2. First of all Tori, I am totally jealous that you can read/listen to 4 books at the same time. That is a skill I want to possess! I can read 2 books at the same time, tops, and only if they are not of the same genre.

  8. Great list. I have found that ebooks can be cheaper but for some reason, they do not go down in price at the same degree as their physical counterparts.

    My T13

  9. I am pretty much .99 digital. I do collect physical for my bookshelf but normally have the eBook too.

  10. I have been in love with my Kindle more than print books for 2+ years. All your reasons and also the Dictionary. Reading a print book I would never take the time to lookup a word but it built in all the time, love that feature. Text to speech and audio do not work for me either, my mind will be on other things but when reading I can tune out everything else, including the kids, lol. The only thing I miss are the amazing covers.

  11. These are certainly some of the reasons I like ebooks. However, no matter the amount of positive points regarding ebooks, I don't think I'd ever prefer ebooks over print copies, except in very specific cases. I really (really) like ebooks, but I love the physical copy.

  12. Great list! Personally I prefer books for a lot of reasons, but I do think your reasoning of instant gratification is a nice one. Also true on the cheapness. I only get free ebooks when I do them, but you're right it's a nice option to have a cheaper price if you do buy them.

  13. Space savers, usually cheaper and now that I use the iPad for the NG books I love the send to Kindle (app) function.

    I love audio books but I will not listen to them on my Nook. I use my iphone.


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