Thursday Thirteen: 13 of My New Year Resolutions

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen is a weekly meme with a simple theme: each Thursday you blog a list of 13 things. What kind of things? Any kind! Just come up with a list theme and run with it.

First, let’s take a look back at the resolutions I made for 2014 and see how I did:

  1. Lose weight, be active, and be healthy. I did good in the beginning of the year but once summer came, I slacked off.
  2. Give up chocolate (see #1). I think I might have been successful in doing this for about a week or so. I’m weak when it comes to chocolate.
  3. Be more organized when it comes to blogging. I want to finish putting together my Blogger Planner/Binder. I also want to do blogging stuff on set days and time frames. Didn’t get my Blogging Planner together, like I had wanted. My OCD is making this a daunting task.
  4. Organize my photos and print some out. Didn’t happen.
  5. Pay off debt. This happened!
  6. Stick to the cleaning schedule I put together last year. This sounds easy enough to do but I just couldn’t.
  7. Read 78+ books this year. Didn’t happen.
  8. Potty train the toddler. Still working on this.
  9. Be in more photographs. Nope.
  10. Organize a binder for each kid's school stuff. Started doing this.
  11. Complete my household binder. Nope.
  12. Get in the habit of writing my reviews right after finishing the book. A sad procrastinator I am.
  13. Stress less. I need to work on this.


Here are my 2015 New Year Resolutions:

  1. Wear my FitBit every single day.
  2. Lose weight.
  3. Give up chocolate (see #2). <—This one is going to be hard one.
  4. Start walking again and walk at least 3 times a week (see #2).
  5. Organize and print out some photographs.
  6. Keep Goodreads organized.
  7. Instead of doing blogging stuff everyday, set aside specific days/time to get it done.
  8. Use Wunderlist, instead of ignoring it.
  9. Comment more.
  10. Post on Instagram at least once a day.
  11. Less review commitments and read more from my TBR pile.
  12. Find time to read every day, for at least 30 minutes.
  13. Read 50 books.

2015 Reading Challenge

2015 Reading Challenge
TheBookVixen has read 0 books toward her goal of 50 books.

What are your New Year resolutions?

About Brianna: Supermom by day, naughty reader by night. Addicted to chocolate, Twitter, her iPad, her Kindle, and 99¢ Kindle deals. You can follow Brianna on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and Instagram.


  1. I'm working on #12 too - finding time to read everyday. I want to increase the number of books I read from last year, so reading everyday - even 30 minutes, will help with that. Good luck with all your goals for this year :-)

    Tanya Patrice

    1. I'm hoping I read more books in 2015 than I did in 2014. Good luck to you as well :)

  2. Great resolutions! I need to cut back on accepting review requests to concentrate on my TBR pile too. Also need to work on my commenting. Good luck!

    1. Thank you! I've been putting off books from my TBR pile way too long.

  3. Do you have to give up chocolate? Could you treat yourself to a piece of quality chocolate after x number of days of working out? I'm a huge chocolate lover so I understand how it can be difficult to say no!

    Terri M., the Director
    Second Run Reviews

    1. I have no self-control whatsoever, so yes, I have to give it up completely. I tried rewarding myself with chocolate last time (last year) and I totally fell off the wagon. It's an all or nothing approach for me.

  4. I am not a huge chocolate addict but I have one piece of dark mint Lindt chocolate every evening with a cup of tea. Love the treat! Good luck with your fitbit, I got one in 2014 and its helpful. I find #fitreaders challenge over at the Geeky book blogger even more supportive. All the best wit your goals for 2015.

    1. I wish I had that kind of willpower, to eat only ONE piece of chocolate! I'm thinking about joining @fitreaders.

  5. I agree with Kathryn, join the FitReaders challenge with The Geeky Blogger. That helped me a lot last year. Having other people to help motivate you can make all the difference.

    I also understand your chocolate issue. I have one too. My goal is going to be to limit myself to one Reese's Peanut Butter Cup per week. I know if I say none, it won't happen, so if I allow one per week, I might actually make that goal.

    Good luck with your goals.

    1. I did #BookBlogWalkers last year a few times but I felt like I let myself down a lot. I'm thinking about joining #fitreaders; maybe once I get going.

      Good luck with your chocolate limit!

  6. Ooh. I just downloaded Wunderlist. I haven't been liking my Apple To-Do list, so hopefully this could work better. And I could never give up chocolate. I just go darker to satisfy the craving with less.

    1. Wunderlist is awesome. Definitely check it out.

  7. Well since I'm allergic to chocolate (one of my two food allergies), I don't have to worry about that one. lol. But, I do hope that you're able to meet that goal. I do want to be a little bit more healthy this year myself and get some exercise, so when the weather gets warmer I'll be walking at least three to four times a week. Hopefully that will help me out as well. And, I definitely need to set aside some time to devote to commenting on more blogs that I follow, as well as reading more books from my Kindle and from my actual bookshelves instead of all of the books that I read being ARCs and eGalley's. And I might actually try to do that find time to read everyday too! :)

    I hope that you're able to meet all of your goals! :)

    1. Thanks! And how bad would it be for me to wish *I* were allergic to chocolate? I have no self-control whatsoever when it comes to chocolate. Good luck to you with your goals as well!


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