Title: Jumping In
Series: ALPHAS, Book 6
Author: Cardeno C.
Genre: Contemporary Romance, M/M Romance
Sensuality Rating: Erotic
Source: review copy provided by author
Published: February 6, 2015
When love’s on the line, the brave jump in with both feet…
Small town cop Clint Rivera can’t catch a break. His ex of two weeks is suddenly getting married, his dogs tore up his furniture, he’s getting evicted, and he’s out of beer. When he decides to solve his alcohol shortage by going to his ex’s engagement party, Clint winds up too drunk to drive himself home.
Enter gorgeous deputy mayor Hawk Black, the man who constantly shows up unexpectedly and sends Clint’s body and mind into a tailspin with nothing but his whiskey voice and blue eyes. After months of patience, Hawk can finally seduce the man he’s been craving.
Clint’s day might not have started out well, but Hawk’s going to make sure it ends with a bang, preferably in bed. He’ll show Clint some rewards are worth the risk. With love on the line, Clint will need to decide if he can open his heart, tear down his shields, and jump in with both feet.
Reviewed by: Crissy
Why I Read This Book: As a CC fangurl, I am all but obligated to inform you that there is a new novella out. There. My duty here is done. Okay, also, I read this because alpha males. I love them. Growly, dominant, and bossy—those are my buttons, and I couldn’t let this one pass me by without seeing just how hot it would get.
In A Nutshell: This one is hot at the speed of light. And by that I mean it’s fast, as in don’t blink. The insta-love caught me off guard. But as expected, it’s sweet and sexy and funny and ends just perfectly.
Set Up: After returning home from a two-week forced vacation, Clint finds out his boyfriend of six months is engaged, he’s being evicted, his dogs have torn up all of his furniture, and his refrigerator fell on him breaking all of his beer. So what does Clint do? He goes to the engagement party and gets drunk only to be taken home by Deputy Mayor Hawk Black and have his world turned upside down.
What I Liked: I loved the way this starts. Poor Clint can’t catch a break. And really, who can’t relate to a bit of bad luck? But this guy just takes one hit after another. I felt sorry for him at every turn. And then Hawk walks in and everything is okay. This story is absolutely nothing more than a feel-good, sweet down to your toes kind of story. It’s hilarious at times (i.e. the beginning) and super sexy at others.
I’ve already made it clear that alpha males are my thing, so Hawk is kind of right up my alley—all demanding and bossy. But he’s also comforting and soft. He’s the calming eye to Clint’s hot mess of a storm.
What I Didn’t Like: I’m all for a quick romance and I don’t mind insta-love, but this one was super fast. I didn’t feel like I had time to get to know the characters that well, much less watch them fall in love. I mean, I see how they became friends before we, as readers, meet them, but I feel like I missed out on so much.
In My Opinion: Jumping In is exactly that, a book about jumping in, from the very beginning it’s sink or swim. This is definitely a book written for the smiles and feel-good moments, but I really could have used more relationship building between Clint and Hawk.
Memorable Moment:
Crissy’s Rating:
I like this author, but I tend to like the longer books. There seems to be more character development and story to them. I will say as soon as I spotted this review, I did pull it up on my NOOK and my finger is very close to saying purchase anyway.
ReplyDeleteLOL... Ryan, CC is a insta-buy for me at all times. All times. I can't not own a book. I liked this one okay, I just wanted more of everything.