Title: Frankly, My Dear
Series: Creole Historical, Book 1
Author: Sandra Hill
Genre: Time Travel Romance
Sensuality Rating: Sensual?
Source: bought
Published: April 1, 2003 by Leisure Books
Selene has always had three great passions: men, food... and Gone With the Wind. Still the glamorous models seems to always be starving for both nourishment and affection. Weary of the petty world of high fashion, she heads to New Orleans for one last shoot before she chucks it all and begins a whole new life. But she doesn't realize that, thanks to an errant voodoo spell, her new life will happen 150 years in the past....and in the company of a dark and brooding gentleman who could give Rhett Butler a run for his money!
An alarmingly handsome Southern planter, James Baptiste may not have Rhett's cavalier spirit-and his plantation is certainly no Tara! But it's clear as crystal that this virile Creole is a lover worth giving a damn about. And with God as her witness, Selene vows she will never go hungry for this man again!
Reviewed by: Monica
In a Nutshell: Model gets sent back in time to Antebellum New Orleans after a jealous rivals puts her under a voodoo spell.
What I Liked: The premise. I enjoy time-travel romance but this one was a little off the mark for me.
What I Didn't Like: Most of the book I read. I give a book 100 pages; if I am not sold in the first 100 pages I don't keep reading. I couldn't even get to 100 pages. The part I disliked most about the book was the fact that Selene goes back in time with a tan and everyone thinks she black. I get that prejudice ran rampant in that time period, but come on. Selene was another matter. She is obviously time-travelled and despite the obvious in front of her (and the fact that well it would be hard to grasp) she is an idiot and blatantly antagonizes slave traders and miscreants alike. I just did not like her.
Overall Impression: Creole romance, while an awesome premise, is not for me...especially since race will most likely have an issue in such a book.
Monica’s Rating:
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