Title: Beneath These Chains
Series: Beneath, Book 3
Author: Meghan March
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Sensuality Rating: Steamy
Source: review copy provided by publisher
Published: June 16, 2015 (self-published)
I was raised on the streets, so I know things are rarely as simple as they appear—especially this rich girl showing up at my pawnshop demanding a job.
She’s the most tempting thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ll be damned if I can make her leave.
Shit just got complicated … but when it comes to her—I want complicated.
We’re both fighting our own demons, and our only chance at a future is to let go of the past.
But will we be strong enough to break free from beneath these chains?
Reviewed by: Sara
Why I Read This Book: I love me some bad boys, especially when they have a heart of gold. Mix that with strong, resourceful female characters and I'm in.
In A Nutshell: Two passionate underdogs fighting for themselves and each other in the face of adversity and pasts that don't want to let go.
What I Liked: My taste in Romance has been on the grittier side lately and Beneath These Chains fit the bill perfectly. Lord is a tattooed, pawnshop owning, alpha male. He's big, bad and dangerous, but he also teaches kids how to box in an effort to keep them off the streets, is a loyal brother and cares about the people around him. He is the quintessential bad boy with a heart of gold and he lives in the rough, tourist-free sections of New Orleans surrounded by gangs, violence, drugs and desperation.
Elle, our main female character, is damaged, hurt by years of emotional abuse and neglect, but she's resourceful, sly and independent. She's no damsel in distress or shrinking violet and she both stands up to Lord and works hard to get what she wants. I loved her!
What Else I Liked: Meghan March added a great twist to Beneath These Chains. I can't tell you what it is, but it's out of the blue, heartbreaking, and very well written. The twist really helped to set Beneath These Chains a part from novels of a similar vein and demonstrated March's ability to bring in and affect the reader on an emotional level.
Overall Impression: Beneath These Chains is a great novel for those that want grit and emotional depth in their Romance. After reading Beneath These Chains, with its great characters and a compelling story, I plan to read pick up the first two books in series.
Sara’s Rating:
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