Title: Blaze
Author: Olivia Aycock
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Sensuality Rating: Steamy
Source: review copy provided by author
Published: May 26, 2015 (self-published)
Event planner Laurie Maxwell has a contingency plan for every situation—except the one that leaves her hanging half-naked from her second-story window when her personal pleasure device vibrates its way to the feet of her very sexy downstairs tenant.
Warning: The mercury isn’t the only thing rising when a heat wave moves through this southern city. This erotic romance includes two naughty neighbors who, with the help of a vibrator and their feverish fantasies, dial up the sexy to level blaze.
Reviewed by: Sara
Why I Read This Book: I have to admit it was the blurb that got me to read Blaze. I mean, how can you go wrong with a runaway vibrator?
What I Liked: While I'm always happy to read prolific and thought provoking literature, sometimes I just want a quick, sexy read. Whether it's because I'm having a bad day or I'm simply pressed for time, a quick, sexy book is a fantastic way to escape and Blaze offers exactly that.
Blaze offers no dissertations about coming of age or in-depth studies on the paradox of man, just a woman making hot (literally, it's set during a heat wave) love with the downstairs neighbour she nearly brained with her purple vibrator.
What Else I Liked: I really liked that Blaze didn't expect us to believe that Laurie and Grant were going to live happily ever after. I love a fairy tale ending as much as the next person, but let's be honest, this is mostly a fantasy about boning your hot neighbour. In real life, the kind of situation found in Blaze is more likely to end in one party being forced to give up their deposit and move quickly than it is in wedding bells.
I liked that author Olivia Aycock realized readers could probably suspend their disbelief enough to buy into two characters wanting to have sex in the middle of a heat wave, but acknowledged that pending nuptials for the two would be too hard a sell.
What I Didn't Like: The problem with a quick, sexy book is that there isn't a lot to it. Blaze is a great piece of story, but not a lot more than that. It's like when you go out for breakfast and you get the fruit plate. Everything is sweet, delicious and your belly is full, but when you see the ham, eggs, pancakes and toast on your spouse's plate you kind of feel unsatisfied. Blaze is good, but I wanted more.
Overall Impression: Blaze is a fun escape, but left this reader hungry for just a bit more substance.
Sara’s Rating:
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