Title: Misery’s Way
Series: Colbana Files, Book 4.5
Author: J.C. Daniels
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Sensuality Rating: Innocent
Source: review copy provided via NetGalley
Published: June 22, 2015 (self-published)
Her name is Frankie. At least, that’s what she calls herself.
She looks human, but she’s no more human than she is a faith-healer. That doesn’t stop her from using her…more unique abilities to take care of certain needs. It’s those abilities that lead to a chance encounter with an unusual woman in Florida.
It’s a chance encounter with fate that will set these two down a collision course with destiny.
Reviewed by: Sara
Why I Read This Book: Honestly, I thought it was a full novel from the Kit Colbana Files series by JC Daniels. Obviously I need to read the fine print, because this is a short story. However, I really like the Colbana Files series and the way J.C. Daniels writes so everything worked out.
What I Liked: Misery's Way is classic J.C. Daniels - gritty, Urban Fantasy, well written characters and a story that was at times dark, seedy, uplifting, and hopeful. Even in short story format J.C. Daniels writes in a way that leaves me both satisfied with what I've read and ready for more.
What Else I Liked: Even though main character, Frankie is a faux (kind of, long story) faith healer, the writer didn't use that as an opportunity to bash people that believe in faith healers or the Christian faith.
It's so easy to stereotype people, especially if stuff that they do seems weird or foolish. J.C. Daniels avoids painting service goers as slack-jawed yokels and instead demonstrates the desperation and willingness to hope in anything of the people Frankie "ministers" too. This adds a deeper element and more genuine feel to the story than a overplayed stereotype would have.
What I Didn't Like: Misery's Way is marketed as a stand alone, but I really think that someone not familiar with the Kit Colbana Files series is not going to be able to fully enjoy this short story without having read the previous Kit Colbana Files books.
Overall Impression: Misery's Way may not work as a standalone, but the short story is very well written, with a great characters. I hope J.C. Daniels revisits Frankie either in a separate series or as part of the greater Kit Colbana Files world because I would totally buy that book.
Sara’s Rating:
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