Title: His Salvation
Series: The ADA Chronicles, Book 1
Author: J.R. Loveless
Genre: Paranormal Romance, M/M Romance
Sensuality Rating: Erotic
Source: review copy from publisher
Published: November 2012 by Dreamspinner Press
In an attempt to atone for his sins and find some solace, ADA Agent Gabriel Romero helps other Deviants in need. But with threats from both sides—Normals and the Deviants who despise them—he finds it harder and harder to outrun his ghosts, especially after a difficult mission to rescue twin brothers held at an enemy compound, where Gabriel meets Alexander Ryker. Gabriel finds his new charge unexpectedly attractive, and that’s a complication he does not want—one he thinks he doesn't deserve.Despite the frosty reception from the stubborn agent who rescued him, sheltered telepath Alex feels an instant connection through the pain he sees in Gabriel's eyes, and he does everything he can to gain his attention. The realities he must face while mastering his ability are hard, but failing to learn to defend himself is not an option. Soon he'll need his newfound strength to convince Gabriel he deserves to live and love again.
Reviewed By: J9
In a Nutshell: I want to stamp my feet and scream because I loved the world building and one lead but the age difference between the leads was nearly disgusting and prevented me from finishing the book.
The Set Up: Gabriel is an agent working for Deviant rights when he’s assigned to rescue twin teenager Deviants. Alex feels an immediate connection to his rescuer but doesn’t think the bitter Gabriel could ever return his affections. With Normals and Deviants all coming after Gabriel, his team and Alex the men may not get a chance after all.
Why I Read this Book: JR Loveless isn’t a prolific author but I’ve greatly enjoyed her three previous books, especially the amazing Chasing Seth. I was beyond excited to read this new release.
What I Liked: This is X-men on steroids. I love the world building with Deviants and Normals and the social war between them. The agency Gabe works for is called ADA, The Agency for Deviant Assistance, and is an underground railroad of sorts for Deviants who’ve been hurt or exploited. I loved this set up and was super excited that it would be a series set in this this world.
What I Also Liked: Gabe. I loved the tortured and bitter Gabe. He’s a soldier but internally he’s a seething mass of loneliness, hunger and desire. He protects his team and cares for them in the only way he knows how. He was a romance hero to die for and I feel in love with the character.
What I Didn’t Like: Forewarning! I will now act like a petulant child, stomp my feet and scream, WHY!? Why would the author do this to Gabe and readers? Why would she make Gabe’s love interest be a nineteen year old innocent who’s literally just off the farm when Gabe himself is 35 years old? He cries constantly and acts immature. He’s often called “kid” and “teenager” by others and his boy is described like that of a pubescent boy. What the h-e-double-hockey-stick was the author thinking to make this child be a good partner for the mature Gabe?! What does he offer Gabe other than someone he needs to babysit? I read seventy percent of this book in hopes that Alex would mature but it didn’t happen and when they finally have a sexual encounter Gabe calls Alex “kid” during the sex and post-coital—DONE! Not finishing this book when it straddles the line of perverted.
IMO: I’ll still try book two of this series since I love the author and the world building but it’s on a short leash if the May/December format is a series staple.
J9’s Rating:

I don't mean to be argumentative, but Gabriel is not 35.
ReplyDeleteIn the book there is this quote: "Bullshit," Preston repeated. "You're only a few years older than him. He's over eighteen, obviously knows what he wants..."
I went back and looked. The only time I see 'thirty-five' is early on when they say "The agency, Gabriel's home for five years, now accommodated thirty-five Deviants at a time."
I won't claim the story was perfect, but I think you might want to double check the numbers.
Thanks for the fact check. I stand by my review even if I don't have Gabe's age right.