Title: What He Left Behind
Author: L.A. Witt
Genre: Contemporary Romance, M/M Romance
Sensuality Rating: Erotic
Source: review copy provided by publisher
Published: August 18, 2015 by Samhain Publishing
Can you ever have a second first time?
Josh Carver thinks it’s just another lunch with his best friend, Michael—until Michael confesses he just turned down a date with his hot veterinarian crush. It seems Michael’s abusive ex left him more scarred than Josh realized.
Josh and his husband, Ian, have done their best to help Michael leave his horrific past behind, but even Josh is stunned when Ian suggests that Josh help Michael with his fear of physical intimacy. After all, it isn’t like it would be the first time—Josh and Michael were once each other’s firsts.
A hesitant first kiss, and Josh and Michael’s natural attraction eases the way. But with Michael still balking at the prospect of sex with someone new, Ian steps into the breach.
Everything is fine and dandy until emotions become so entangled, their friendship—and a marriage—could be at risk.
Warning: Contains three guys who will do anything for each other, a hot tub that’s always the right temperature, and a cat with an attitude problem.
Reviewed by: J9
In a Nutshell: Nope, not a romance that worked for me.
Why I Read This Book: I’ve enjoyed many L.A. Witt books.
What I Liked: I love romances of healing. Michael is definitely in need of sexual and emotional healing. I think the eroticism of the novel worked very well to show how Michael was healing, and it was hot to read!
I also think the awkwardness of a threesome was addressed well. For instance, the first time Michael and Ian have sex without Josh, readers are left with Josh so we feel first-hand how left out he feels and antsy for Ian to return. I enjoyed this exploration of this relationship. I also enjoyed the friendship these three men had. They had a standing Sunday night date to hang out in the hot tub and joke about the bad wine they’ve bought. The friendship between the three men was believable.
What I Didn’t Like: What wasn’t believable for me was the three-way romance. I could see how Michael would feel love for Josh and even Ian since in a way they help him heal from his past trauma. But other than friendship, I didn’t see why Ian especially fell for Michael. Josh and Michael were best friends and sexual partners before Ian so they have that to fall back on but other than sex, what does Ian and Michael have? I just didn’t see it at all. In fact, I felt like Josh got his ex-lover and his husband but Ian went along with it for Josh and Michael’s sake. That side of the romance triangle TOTALLY didn’t work for me.
IMO: I get why Michael would fall for Josh and Ian but not why they fell for him therefore the romance didn’t work for me.
J9’s Rating:
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