Thursday Thirteen: Things I Like to Do When Not Reading Books

Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen is a weekly meme with a simple theme: each Thursday you blog a list of 13 things. What kind of things? Any kind! Just come up with a list theme and run with it.


Brianna’s List:

  1. Search for Kindle deals and freebies. What can I say, when I’m not reading I like to find books to read.
  2. Surf Twitter. #junkie
  3. Read techy articles.
  4. Watch my TV shows, which are currently on hiatus (Scandal, Orange is the New Black, The Client List).
  5. Watch movies.
  6. Catch up on reading blogs I love.
  7. Take pictures.
  8. Organize, when my OCD is in a good mood.
  9. Blog maintenance. It calms me.
  10. Catch up on some celebrity gossip.
  11. Eat chocolate. What?
  12. I’m going to steal J9’s #7 – I have to talk to her on a daily basis. Oh who am I kidding! I gotta talk to her at least every few hours.
  13. Learn new stuff. This can be anything from organizational ideas, blogging tips & tricks, or even something basic like a new recipe. I crave knowledge.


J9’s List:

  1. Running! I'm slow but I love to run in our city's parks.
  2. Twitter because it's amazing what I can learn in 140 characters.
  3. Eating--I can't stop, even when I should!
  4. Drinking strongly brewed black tea like the Brits with cream and sugar.
  5. Book hunting. I read nearly 500 books a year so my TBR pile is always perilously low.
  6. Watching my New York Knicks basketball team. Win or lose it's orange and blue for me!
  7. Chatting with my blogging buddy Brianna.
  8. Playing video games.
  9. Reading feminist magazines like Bitch, Bust, and Ms.
  10. Listening to NPR radio.
  11. Spending time in museums and conservatories.
  12. Traveling or planning vacations.
  13. Thinking about the next book I can read!


What do you like to do when you’re not reading books?

About Brianna: Supermom by day, naughty reader by night. Addicted to chocolate, Twitter, her iPad, her Kindle, and 99¢ Kindle deals. You can follow Brianna on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and Instagram.


  1. I enjoyed this feature and love reading your lists!

  2. I agree with the books and running :)

  3. Blog maintenance calms you? Wow. That's different :)

  4. I love the lists today! Hmm...when I'm not reading I'm usually working, but in between that I'm an amateur photographer or I'm watching TV shows!

    1. So cool! I love going to photography exhibits. Do you have a preferred subject? I just went to a very small exhibit of abandoned industrial buildings. It was a gorgeous exhibit, though kinda dark.

  5. Candy Crush Saga. My entire list would be this soul-sucking, frustrating game.

    1. Ah! You and my husband! I can't start because it'll likely suck me in too.

    2. A lot of people are addicted to that game. I tried it but I can't get into it, but I'm not much of a gamer to begin with.
